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What is Premenstrual syndrome?

What is Premenstrual syndrome? dr.nishi | April 8, 2022
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What is Premenstrual syndrome?

PMS is a natural occurrence in which women experience physical and psychological symptoms. Basically, it is a mood disorder that affects women. According to researchers, PMS affects more than 90% of menstrual women. Ayurveda offers side effects free management of PMS symptoms and helps you to take charge of your health.

Although the exact cause of the premenstrual syndrome is unknown, numerous factors may play a role. Some of them are – Hormonal imbalance, Changes in the brain’s chemical composition, Serotonin fluctuations

What are the symptoms?

PMS manifests itself in a variety of ways, including mood swings, sore breasts, food cravings, exhaustion, irritability, and despair. Symptoms may have a definite pattern of recurrence. However, the physical and emotional changes associated with premenstrual syndrome can range from barely apparent to overwhelming.


Although there can be numerous premenstrual syndrome signs and symptoms, most women experience only a few of these issues.
Emotional and behavioral symptoms
  • Tension or fear
  • A depressed state of mind
  • Crying spells
  • Alternating moods and irritation or anger
  • Changes in appetite and food desires
  • Having difficulty falling asleep (insomnia)
  • Social withdrawal
  • Lack of concentration
  • Low libido
Physical symptoms
  • Pain in a joint or muscle
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Gaining weight as a result of fluid retention
  • Bloating in the abdomen
  • Tenderness of the breasts
  • Flare-ups of acne
  • Incontinence or diarrhea
  • Intolerance to alcohol
However, a small percentage of women with premenstrual syndrome experience disabling symptoms every month. This type of premenstrual syndrome is referred to as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).

What does Ayurvedic say about Premenstrual syndrome?

Vata dosha is the dominant dosha in the pelvic region and Apana vayu is the subtype of vata dosha located in the lower pelvic region. It controls the menstrual blood, stool, urine, and reproductive fluids elimination.

Apana vayu is the dominant dosha that controls the female reproductive system situated primarily in the pelvic region.

Therefore, an imbalance in the Apana vayu is the fundamental cause of Premenstrual Syndrome. In general, dosha vitiation results in the accumulation of amas (toxins) in the body, resulting in the onset of numerous ailments.

Ayurveda classifies it differently based on increased doshic participation.

Vata dosha prominent PMS:Low backache, lower stomach pain, distention, anxiety, fear, insomnia, and mood swings are all symptoms of vata type PMS.

Pitta dosha prominent PMS: It is characterized by breast discomfort, urethritis, rashes, hot flashes, irritability, and occasionally a burning sensation when passing urine.

Kapha dosha prominent PMS: Breasts expand and become sensitive as a result of water retention and tiredness associated with PMS. The lady may feel sick or vomit before or during her menstrual period.

How Ayurveda can help in Premenstrual syndrome?

Ayurvedic treatments and lifestyle changes can assist you in reducing or managing premenstrual syndrome’s signs and symptoms.

A comprehensive Ayurvedic treatment for PMS focuses on regaining the vata balance through positive changes in diet, and lifestyle. It includes healing foods, yoga, meditation, and many more factors. This approach helps to prevent the aggravation of PMS symptoms.

The Ayurvedic herbs like Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Turmeric, etc. help to regain the hormonal balance and reduce the PMS symptoms.

Besides, the best effect comes through the vata balancing Ayurvedic therapies, like Basti or the Ayurvedic enema. It helps to moisturize and nourish the entire reproductive system, esp. the uterus, and significantly reduces most of the PMS symptoms.

In this manner, Ayurveda provides very comprehensive treatment for PMS.

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